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Contemporary Istanbul


Galeri MCRD presents  'All About Power' solo exhibition of Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay featuring 14 paintings. She addresses the timeless theme of power through hybrids of symbolic story telling.Painting freely from her psyche, mining her unconscious for dream like imagery, she comes up with otherworldly compositions commenting ironically on human condition. Having worked in corporate management for a decade, she has experienced how power is being wielded directly; so this subject came to her naturally.


September 12-15 2019

The gallery co-founder Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay examines the themes and motifs of her own exhibition and the context in which it was made: 

Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay is interested in painting the unknown. While painting portals into alien worlds, dream landscapes and new realities, she devises complex stories about the nature of being. There is never just one reading of her art. Her doodling is like improve jazz rifs on a theme, and her work suggests ambiguity and ambivalence ; she seeks new possibilities endlessly. At this solo exhibition she addresses the timeless theme of power through hybrids of symbolic story telling.Painting freely from her psyche, mining her unconscious for dream like imagery, she comes up with otherworldly compositions commenting ironically on human condition. Having worked in corporate management for a decade, she has experienced how power is being wielded directly; so this subject came to her naturally.

Her works are infused with a dreamlike, surreal sensibility; and she dresses unsettling themes like power in sparkles, gemstones, and fantasy. Her kaleidoscopic images are a swirl of beauty and hinted violence, and she uses beasts, birds of paradise, butterflies, fish and flowers as well as dragon-bird creatures to animate her cartoon-like characters.She combines representation and abstraction, with a tendency towards gesturalism. She is influenced by diverse references, from Surrealists to contemporary artist Glenn Brown, including futurists  as well as symbolists like Mihail Vrubel. Seeing Surrealism as an opening to express her inner self, her mind's eye likes to play: a compendium of images that are by turns poignant, comic, skillful, naive, grotesque or elegant. None are what they seem at first sight. They are designed to provoke thought on the caprices of perception and mysteries of mental pleasure.

While her bold paintings obviously look back to the painterly experimentation, her imagery is also heavily influenced by the current video-game graphics; hence the contemporary end result. Her figurative paintings show abstract elements, interacting on the pictorial plane, creating a deep, but ever changing pictorial space of multi focal character.The viewer is forced to readjust his/her position at every new look. Her de-focalisation of the image is disconcerting; most of her paintings can be hung upside down and become a new painting. Her bold colors and sinuous forms further enhancing the bombastic effect of her intricately structured compositions; her work becomes more and more 'hyper' like her, and also reflect her obsession with color.




Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay started to get involved with paints and paintings as a child as the daughter of her art teacher mother; and received her foundations from her and her large art history books collection. A major establishment in Turkish  art history using a blend of Turkish and French curricula, Galatasaray High School she attended from 11 to 19 years old provided a favorable environment for arts education.After winning the first prize in Turkish Airlines' national competition, she has been invited to the State Academy of Fine Arts, but she has attended Bosphorus University Business School. After working in corporate management for a decade, she started to pursue her vocation in 2007, self studying painting in her Istanbul studio. She has educated herself in the art fairs, museums, galleries and bookstores of Paris, London and NYC, focusing also in psychology. She attended the education programs of Sotheby's Institute of Art NY , London and IESA Paris. 

She had her first exhibitions at Galeri MCRD she co-founded in 2012, and also had exhibited at All Arts Istanbul Fair in 2013 and Contemporary Istanbul 2014.


Lütfi Kırdar Congress Center Istanbul

Detail from  Diary of a Crystal Heart

Exhibition View

Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay's solo exhibition with Galeri MCRD at Contemporary Istanbul 2019
Galeri MCRD's booth  at Contemporary Istanbul 2019
You Are Confused, Listen To Me by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Contemporary Istanbul 2019
Are You With Me or Not? by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019
Hymn of Life by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019
I Promise You Eden by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019
Diary of Crystal Hearts by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019
Galeri MCRD's booth at Contemporary Istanbul 2019

Selected Works

Detail from Diary of Crystal Hearts by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019

Detail from Diary of Crystal Hearts 

Are You With Me or Not? by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019

Detail from  Frozen

Detail from Frozen by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019
Detail from Let Me Tell You a Story  by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019

Detail from  Let Me Tell You a Story

Are You With Me or Not?

You Are Confused, Listen To Me

 You Are Confused, Listen To Me by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019
Frozen by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019


Detail from All About Power by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019

Detail from All About Power

Chasing Fortuna by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019

Chasing Fortuna

Hymn of Life by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019

Hymn of Life

Meditation by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019



The Crest by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019

The Crest

It doesn't mean you re not followed by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019

It doesn't mean you re not followed

I Promise you Eden by Yasemin Cengiz Cagatay at Galeri MCRD in Contemporary Istanbul 2019

I Promise You Eden

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